Welcome to Promise In The Making

Discover a Journey of Growth and Connection with Your Children

Mom life

Raising little humans is hard. Find courage as you experience the joys and challenges of this high calling.

intentional living

Slow down and find inspiration, to guide you on a journey towards greater presence and purpose.

healthy on purpose

Strengthen your body and your mind, one healthy choice at a time.

raise them up

Discover resources, ideas, and insights to inspire and enrich your parenting journey.

Create a vision and roadmap for your family with my free Family Roadmap guide.

blog author with children

Hi! I’m Elodie!

Thanks for joining me. I’m a wife and mom to five precious children and I am being filled day by day with overflowing joy in my motherhood journey that I didn’t always have. This blog was born out of that overflow. I am passionate about embracing simplicity, intentionality, and nurturing the joy of growing alongside our children.

Learn more about ELODIE
kids on the beach

Mom Life

Raising little humans is hard. Find courage as you experience the joys and challenges of this high calling

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For The Love Of Learning

Learn how to raise passionate kids

This e-book serves as a comprehensive roadmap, taking readers through the crucial stages of creating an environment for their children that will help unlock their passions. Beginning with the fundamentals of each child’s unique design, the book delves into strategies that will help you understand how you can foster an environment that invites your children not only into a deeper connection with you but also with the gifts they possess that can impact the world. 

 book mockup

Intentional Living

Slow down and find inspiration, to guide you on a journey towards greater presence and purpose.

Grab a copy of my free download

50 Life Skills Every Child Needs

Discover 50 life skills that every child should learn before they leave the house. From toddlers to teenagers, this checklist will put you on the right track to equipping your children with the skills they need to thrive.

Healthy on Purpose

Strengthen your body and your mind, one healthy choice at a time.

My Mission

You have the power to cultivate a nourishing life you don’t need to escape from. And I’m here to journey alongside you, cheering you on every step of the way!

Raise Them Up

Discover resources, ideas, and insights to inspire and enrich your parenting journey.